A flexible rope of length 1.0 m slides from a frictionless table top as shown in the Figure below. The rope is initially released from rest with 25 cm hanging over the edge of the table. Find the time at which the left end of the rope reaches the edge of the table. [32] A particle of mass m1, and velocity u1, collides with a particle of mass m2 at rest. The two particles stick together. What fraction of the original kinetic energy is lost in the collision? [18]

A flexible rope of length 1.0 m slides from a frictionless table top as shown in the Figure below. The rope is initially released from rest with 25 cm hanging over the edge of the table. Find the time at which the left end of the rope reaches the edge of the table. [32] A particle of mass m1, and velocity u1, collides with a particle of mass m2 at rest. The two particles stick together. What fraction of the original kinetic energy is lost in the collision? [18]

Image text
  1. A flexible rope of length 1.0 m slides from a frictionless table top as shown in the Figure below. The rope is initially released from rest with 25 c m hanging over the edge of the table. Find the time at which the left end of the rope reaches the edge of the table. [ 32 ]
  2. A particle of mass m 1 , and velocity u 1 , collides with a particle of mass m 2 at rest. The two particles stick together. What fraction of the original kinetic energy is lost in the collision? [ 18 ]

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