(a) Just after launch, determine the speed v of the ball, the total acceleration a of the ball, the normal component of acceleration an and the tangential component of acceleration at. Answers: V = ft/sec a = ft/sec2 an = ft/sec2 at = ft/sec2

(a) Just after launch, determine the speed v of the ball, the total acceleration a of the ball, the normal component of acceleration an and the tangential component of acceleration at. Answers: V = ft/sec a = ft/sec2 an = ft/sec2 at = ft/sec2

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(a) Just after launch, determine the speed v of the ball, the total acceleration a of the ball, the normal component of acceleration a n and the tangential component of acceleration a t .
V = i f t / s e c a = i. f t / s e c 2 a n = i f t / s e c 2 a t = f t / s e c 2

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