A parallel-plate capacitor with area 0.280 m2 and plate separation of 4.80 mm is connected to a 4.00−V battery. (a) What is the capacitance? F (b) How much charge is stored on the plates? C (c) What is the electric field between the plates? N/C (d) Find the magnitude of the charge density on each plate. C/m2 (e) Without disconnecting the battery, the plates are moved farther apart: Qualitatively, what happens to each of the previous answers?

A parallel-plate capacitor with area 0.280 m2 and plate separation of 4.80 mm is connected to a 4.00−V battery. (a) What is the capacitance? F (b) How much charge is stored on the plates? C (c) What is the electric field between the plates? N/C (d) Find the magnitude of the charge density on each plate. C/m2 (e) Without disconnecting the battery, the plates are moved farther apart: Qualitatively, what happens to each of the previous answers?

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A parallel-plate capacitor with area 0.280 m 2 and plate separation of 4.80 m m is connected to a 4.00 V battery. (a) What is the capacitance? F (b) How much charge is stored on the plates? C (c) What is the electric field between the plates? N / C (d) Find the magnitude of the charge density on each plate. C / m 2 (e) Without disconnecting the bartery, the plates are moved farther apart: Qualitatively, what happens to each of the previous answers?

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