A radar tracks the flight of a projectile (see Figure P3.6). At time t, the radar measures the horizontal component vx(t) and the vertical component vy(t) of the projectile's velocity and its range R(t) and elevation ϕ(t). Are these measurements sufficient to compute the horizontal distance D from the radar to the launch point of the projectile? If so, derive the expression for D as a function of g and the measured values vx(t), vy(t), R(t), and ϕ(t).

A radar tracks the flight of a projectile (see Figure P3.6). At time t, the radar measures the horizontal component vx(t) and the vertical component vy(t) of the projectile's velocity and its range R(t) and elevation ϕ(t). Are these measurements sufficient to compute the horizontal distance D from the radar to the launch point of the projectile? If so, derive the expression for D as a function of g and the measured values vx(t), vy(t), R(t), and ϕ(t).

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A radar tracks the flight of a projectile (see Figure P3.6). At time t , the radar measures the horizontal component v x ( t ) and the vertical component v y ( t ) of the projectile's velocity and its range R ( t ) and elevation ϕ ( t ) . Are these measurements sufficient to compute the horizontal distance D from the radar to the launch point of the projectile? If so, derive the expression for D as a function of g and the measured values v x ( t ) , v y ( t ) , R ( t ) , and ϕ ( t ) .

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