A solenoid of radius r = 1.25 cm and length ℓ = 31.0 cm has 285 turns and carries 12.0 A. a b (a) Calculate the flux through the surface of a disk-shaped area of radius R = 5.00 cm that is positioned perpendicular to and centered on the axis of the solenoid as in the figure (a) μWb (b) Figure (b) above shows an enlarged end view of the same solenoid. Calculate the flux through the tan area, which is an annulus with an inner radius of a = 0.400 cm and outer radius of b = 0.800 cm. μWb

A solenoid of radius r = 1.25 cm and length ℓ = 31.0 cm has 285 turns and carries 12.0 A. a b (a) Calculate the flux through the surface of a disk-shaped area of radius R = 5.00 cm that is positioned perpendicular to and centered on the axis of the solenoid as in the figure (a) μWb (b) Figure (b) above shows an enlarged end view of the same solenoid. Calculate the flux through the tan area, which is an annulus with an inner radius of a = 0.400 cm and outer radius of b = 0.800 cm. μWb

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A solenoid of radius r = 1.25 c m and length = 31.0 c m has 285 turns and carries 12.0 A . a b (a) Calculate the flux through the surface of a disk-shaped area of radius R = 5.00 c m that is positioned perpendicular to and centered on the axis of the solenoid as in the figure (a) μ W b (b) Figure (b) above shows an enlarged end view of the same solenoid. Calculate the flux through the tan area, which is an annulus with an inner radius of a = 0.400 c m and outer radius of b = 0.800 c m . μ W b

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