An electron and a proton, starting from rest, are accelerated through an electsic potential difference of the same magnitude. In the process, the electron acquires a speed ve, while the proton acquires a speed vp. Find the ratio ve/vp. ve/vp = Number Units

An electron and a proton, starting from rest, are accelerated through an electsic potential difference of the same magnitude. In the process, the electron acquires a speed ve, while the proton acquires a speed vp. Find the ratio ve/vp. ve/vp = Number Units

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An electron and a proton, starting from rest, are accelerated through an electsic potential difference of the same magnitude. In the process, the electron acquires a speed v e , while the proton acquires a speed v p . Find the ratio v e / v p . v e / v p = Number Units

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