An RC series circuit is connected to an emf source having angular frequency ω. The current lags the source emf by tan-1 (1/ωCR). leads the source emf by tan-1 (1/ωCR). leads the source emf by π/4. leads the source emf by tan-1 (ωCR). lags the source emf by tan-1 (ωCR).

An RC series circuit is connected to an emf source having angular frequency ω. The current lags the source emf by tan-1 (1/ωCR). leads the source emf by tan-1 (1/ωCR). leads the source emf by π/4. leads the source emf by tan-1 (ωCR). lags the source emf by tan-1 (ωCR).

Image text
An RC series circuit is connected to an emf source having angular frequency ω. The current lags the source emf by tan-1 (1/ωCR). leads the source emf by tan-1 (1/ωCR). leads the source emf by π/4. leads the source emf by tan-1 (ωCR). lags the source emf by tan-1 (ωCR).

Explanation & Steps

Draw the RC series circuit and determine the expression of current using applied input voltage source and impedance of resistance and capacitor. Separate out phase angle of the current. Check whether phase angle of current is greater or less than phase angle of input voltage source and decide current will lead or lag the source enf.

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