As shown below, a bullet of mass m and speed v is fired at an at rest sphere. The bullet goes through the sphere, and exits with a speed of v/2. The sphere is attached to a rigid pole of length L and negligible mass. What is the minimum value of v such that the sphere will barely swing through a complete vertical circle? (Use the following as necessary: m, L, g, and M for the mass of the sphere.)

As shown below, a bullet of mass m and speed v is fired at an at rest sphere. The bullet goes through the sphere, and exits with a speed of v/2. The sphere is attached to a rigid pole of length L and negligible mass. What is the minimum value of v such that the sphere will barely swing through a complete vertical circle? (Use the following as necessary: m, L, g, and M for the mass of the sphere.)

Image text
As shown below, a bullet of mass m and speed v is fired at an at rest sphere. The bullet goes through the sphere, and exits with a speed of v 2 . The sphere is attached to a rigid pole of length L and negligible mass. What is the minimum value of v such that the sphere will barely swing through a complete vertical circle? (Use the following as necessary: m , L , g , and M for the mass of the sphere.) (i)

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