Consider the two pucks shown in the figure. As they move towards each other, the momentum of each puck is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. Given that vi, green = 12.0 m/s, and mblue is 30.0% greater than mgreen , what are the final speeds of each puck (in m/s ), if 12 the kinetic energy of the system is converted to internal energy? (i) vgreen = m/s vblue = m/s

Consider the two pucks shown in the figure. As they move towards each other, the momentum of each puck is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. Given that vi, green = 12.0 m/s, and mblue is 30.0% greater than mgreen , what are the final speeds of each puck (in m/s ), if 12 the kinetic energy of the system is converted to internal energy? (i) vgreen = m/s vblue = m/s

Image text
Consider the two pucks shown in the figure. As they move towards each other, the momentum of each puck is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. Given that v i , green = 12.0 m / s , and m blue is 30.0 % greater than m green , what are the final speeds of each puck (in m / s ), if 1 2 the kinetic energy of the system is converted to internal energy? (i)
v green = m / s v blue = m / s

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