Each of the two systems is released from rest. Calculate the speed v of each 52-lb cylinder after the 42-lb cylinder has dropped 4.2 ft. The 16-lb cylinder of case (a) is replaced by a 16-lb force in case (b). (a) (b) Answers: (a) v = ft/sec (b) v = ft/sec

Each of the two systems is released from rest. Calculate the speed v of each 52-lb cylinder after the 42-lb cylinder has dropped 4.2 ft. The 16-lb cylinder of case (a) is replaced by a 16-lb force in case (b). (a) (b) Answers: (a) v = ft/sec (b) v =  ft/sec

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Each of the two systems is released from rest. Calculate the speed v of each 52-lb cylinder after the 42 - lb cylinder has dropped 4.2 f t . The 16 -lb cylinder of case ( a ) is replaced by a 16 - lb force in case (b). (a) (b)
Answers: (a) v = f t / s e c (b) v = i f t / s e c

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