Figure below shows a ring of outer radius R = 13.0 cm and inner radius rinner = 0.200R. It has uniform surface charge density σ = 6.20 pC/m2. With V = 0 at infinity, find the electric potential at point P on the central axis of the ring, at distance z = 2.00 R from the center of the ring. (a) Start with the formula for the potential: V = k∫dQ |r→ − r→′| What is your dQ? What is your infinitesimal area element? What are your vectors r and r′ ? What is the distance to point P ? What is dV ? Potential due to a small ring of charge on the disk? (b) Write out the integral that you need to compute to get V. What are the bounds? (c) Once you get an expression for V, solve numerically. (d) Check to see if the units of your expression makes sense for V.

Figure below shows a ring of outer radius R = 13.0 cm and inner radius rinner = 0.200R. It has uniform surface charge density σ = 6.20 pC/m2. With V = 0 at infinity, find the electric potential at point P on the central axis of the ring, at distance z = 2.00 R from the center of the ring. (a) Start with the formula for the potential: V = k∫dQ |r→ − r→′| What is your dQ? What is your infinitesimal area element? What are your vectors r and r′ ? What is the distance to point P ? What is dV ? Potential due to a small ring of charge on the disk? (b) Write out the integral that you need to compute to get V. What are the bounds? (c) Once you get an expression for V, solve numerically. (d) Check to see if the units of your expression makes sense for V.

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  1. Figure below shows a ring of outer radius R = 13.0 c m and inner radius r inner = 0.200 R . It has uniform surface charge density σ = 6.20 p C / m 2 . With V = 0 at infinity, find the electric potential at point P on the central axis of the ring, at distance z = 2.00 R from the center of the ring. (a) Start with the formula for the potential: V = k d Q | r r |
What is your dQ? What is your infinitesimal area element? What are your vectors r and r ? What is the distance to point P ? What is d V ? Potential due to a small ring of charge on the disk? (b) Write out the integral that you need to compute to get V . What are the bounds? (c) Once you get an expression for V , solve numerically. (d) Check to see if the units of your expression makes sense for V .

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