In the figure, an isotropic point source of light S is positioned at distance d from a viewing screen A and the light intensity IP at point P (level with S) is measured. Then a plane mirror M is placed behind S at distance 3.7 d. By how much is Ip multiplied by the presence of the mirror? Number Units

In the figure, an isotropic point source of light S is positioned at distance d from a viewing screen A and the light intensity IP at point P (level with S) is measured. Then a plane mirror M is placed behind S at distance 3.7 d. By how much is Ip multiplied by the presence of the mirror? Number Units

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In the figure, an isotropic point source of light S is positioned at distance d from a viewing screen A and the light intensity I P at point P (level with S ) is measured. Then a plane mirror M is placed behind S at distance 3.7 d . By how much is I p multiplied by the presence of the mirror?
Number i Units

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