The 0.1−1 b projectile A is subjected to a drag force of magnitude kv2, where the constant k = 0.002 lb−sec2/ft2. This drag force always opposes the velocity v. At the instant depicted, v = 100 ft/sec, θ = 45∘, and r = 400 ft. Determine the corresponding values of r and θ.

The 0.1−1 b projectile A is subjected to a drag force of magnitude kv2, where the constant k = 0.002 lb−sec2/ft2. This drag force always opposes the velocity v. At the instant depicted, v = 100 ft/sec, θ = 45∘, and r = 400 ft. Determine the corresponding values of r and θ.

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The 0.1 1 b projectile A is subjected to a drag force of magnitude k v 2 , where the constant k = 0.002 l b s e c 2 / f t 2 . This drag force always opposes the velocity v . At the instant depicted, v = 100 f t / s e c , θ = 45 , and r = 400 f t . Determine the corresponding values of r and θ .

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