The lower end of the thin uniform rod in (Figure 1) is attached to the floor by a frictionless hinge at point P. The rod has mass 0.0940 kg and length 18.0 cm and is in a uniform magnetic field 0.130 T that is directed into the page. The rod is held at an angle 58.0∘ above the horizontal by a horizontal string that connects the top of the rod to the wall. The rod carries a current 12.0 A in the direction toward P. Figure 1 of 1 Part A Calculate the tension in the string. Use the fact that τ = 12 IBL2 for a uniform bar of length L carring a current I in a magnetic field B. Express your answer with the appropriate units.

The lower end of the thin uniform rod in (Figure 1) is attached to the floor by a frictionless hinge at point P. The rod has mass 0.0940 kg and length 18.0 cm and is in a uniform magnetic field 0.130 T that is directed into the page. The rod is held at an angle 58.0∘ above the horizontal by a horizontal string that connects the top of the rod to the wall. The rod carries a current 12.0 A in the direction toward P. Figure 1 of 1 Part A Calculate the tension in the string. Use the fact that τ = 12 IBL2 for a uniform bar of length L carring a current I in a magnetic field B. Express your answer with the appropriate units.The lower end of the thin uniform rod in (Figure 1) is attached to the floor by a frictionless hinge at point P. The rod has mass 0.0940 kg and length 18.0 cm and is in a uniform magnetic field 0.130 T that is directed into the page. The rod is held at an angle 58.0∘ above the horizontal by a horizontal string that connects the top of the rod to the wall. The rod carries a current 12.0 A in the direction toward P. Figure 1 of 1 Part A Calculate the tension in the string. Use the fact that τ = 12 IBL2 for a uniform bar of length L carring a current I in a magnetic field B. Express your answer with the appropriate units.

Image text
The lower end of the thin uniform rod in (Figure 1) is attached to the floor by a frictionless hinge at point P . The rod has mass 0.0940 k g and length 18.0 c m and is in a uniform magnetic field 0.130 T that is directed into the page. The rod is held at an angle 58.0 above the horizontal by a horizontal string that connects the top of the rod to the wall. The rod carries a current 12.0 A in the direction toward P .
Figure 1 of 1
Part A
Calculate the tension in the string. Use the fact that τ = 1 2 I B L 2 for a uniform bar of length L carring a current I in a magnetic field B .
Express your answer with the appropriate units.

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