The spring mass system which is initially at rest starts free vibration with an initial displacement of x0 = 0.12 m and an initial speed of v0 = 0.6 m/sec. The mass is 2 kg, and the spring constant is k = 288 N/m. Calculate the position x, and speed v of the block at t = 1 sec. (30 Points) ω = k/m, x = v0 ωsin⁡(ωt) + x0 cos⁡(ωt)

The spring mass system which is initially at rest starts free vibration with an initial displacement of x0 = 0.12 m and an initial speed of v0 = 0.6 m/sec. The mass is 2 kg, and the spring constant is k = 288 N/m. Calculate the position x, and speed v of the block at t = 1 sec. (30 Points) ω = k/m, x = v0 ωsin⁡(ωt) + x0 cos⁡(ωt)

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  1. The spring mass system which is initially at rest starts free vibration with an initial displacement of x 0 = 0.12 m and an initial speed of v 0 = 0.6 m / s e c . The mass is 2 k g , and the spring constant is k = 288 N / m .
Calculate the position x , and speed v of the block at t = 1 s e c . (30 Points)
ω = k / m , x = v 0 ω sin ( ω t ) + x 0 cos ( ω t )

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