The Xanthar mothership locks onto an enemy cruiser with its tractor beam (see the figure below); each ship is at rest in deep space with no propulsion following a devastating battle. The mothership is at x = 0 when its tractor beams are first engaged, a distance d = 245 xiles from the cruiser. Determine the x-position in xiles (measured from x = 0 ) of the two spacecraft when the tractor beam has pulled them together. Model each spacecraft as a point particle with the mothership of mass M = 160 xons and the cruiser of mass m = 16.0 xons. xiles

The Xanthar mothership locks onto an enemy cruiser with its tractor beam (see the figure below); each ship is at rest in deep space with no propulsion following a devastating battle. The mothership is at x = 0 when its tractor beams are first engaged, a distance d = 245 xiles from the cruiser. Determine the x-position in xiles (measured from x = 0 ) of the two spacecraft when the tractor beam has pulled them together. Model each spacecraft as a point particle with the mothership of mass M = 160 xons and the cruiser of mass m = 16.0 xons. xiles

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The Xanthar mothership locks onto an enemy cruiser with its tractor beam (see the figure below); each ship is at rest in deep space with no propulsion following a devastating battle. The mothership is at x = 0 when its tractor beams are first engaged, a distance d = 245 xiles from the cruiser. Determine the x -position in xiles (measured from x = 0 ) of the two spacecraft when the tractor beam has pulled them together. Model each spacecraft as a point particle with the mothership of mass M = 160 xons and the cruiser of mass m = 16.0 xons.
HINT (i) xiles

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