Two equal charges q are connected by a spring of spring constant k and natural rest length L. The electrostatic repulsion stretches the spring so that the charges are a distance d apart. Part A What must be the magnitude of each of the charges q in terms of k, L, d and ϵ0? We are using k for the spring constant, so do not use the k from Coulomb's Law. Use the version with ϵ0 instead. AΣϕ |q| =

Two equal charges q are connected by a spring of spring constant k and natural rest length L. The electrostatic repulsion stretches the spring so that the charges are a distance d apart. Part A What must be the magnitude of each of the charges q in terms of k, L, d and ϵ0? We are using k for the spring constant, so do not use the k from Coulomb's Law. Use the version with ϵ0 instead. AΣϕ |q| =

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Two equal charges q are connected by a spring of spring constant k and natural rest length L. The electrostatic repulsion stretches the spring so that the charges are a distance d apart. Part A What must be the magnitude of each of the charges q in terms of k, L, d and ϵ0? We are using k for the spring constant, so do not use the k from Coulomb's Law. Use the version with ϵ0 instead. AΣϕ |q| =

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