Two identical billiard balls can move freely on a horizontal table. Ball A has a velocity vo = 25 cm/s as shown and hits ball B, which is at rest, at a point C defined by θ = 30∘. Knowing that the coefficient of restitution between the two balls is e = 0.75, and assuming no friction, determine a. The speed of each ball after impact b. The angle between the balls after impact

Two identical billiard balls can move freely on a horizontal table. Ball A has a velocity vo = 25 cm/s as shown and hits ball B, which is at rest, at a point C defined by θ = 30∘. Knowing that the coefficient of restitution between the two balls is e = 0.75, and assuming no friction, determine a. The speed of each ball after impact b. The angle between the balls after impact

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Two identical billiard balls can move freely on a horizontal table. Ball A has a velocity v o = 25 c m / s as shown and hits ball B , which is at rest, at a point C defined by θ = 30 . Knowing that the coefficient of restitution between the two balls is e = 0.75 , and assuming no friction, determine a. The speed of each ball after impact b. The angle between the balls after impact

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