While passing between Earth and the Moon, a spacecraft is momentarily located on the line connecting the centers of the two bodies and is at a distance of d = 87 km from a radio antenna on the surface of Earth. The distance from the antenna to the moon is denoted by dmoon .

While passing between Earth and the Moon, a spacecraft is momentarily located on the line connecting the centers of the two bodies and is at a distance of d = 87 km from a radio antenna on the surface of Earth. The distance from the antenna to the moon is denoted by dmoon .

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( 1 3 % ) Problem 8: While passing between Earth and the Moon, a spacecraft is momentarily located on the line connecting the centers of the two bodies and is at a distance of d = 87 k m from a radio antenna on the surface of Earth. The distance from the antenna to the moon is denoted by d moon .

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